CLARKE CO. – This baby owl was struck by a vehicle late last night on County Road 474 in the Snell Community.
Clarke County Sheriff Deputy Brad McNeese was in the area and came up on the injured owl. Deputy McNeese after speaking to the game warden was able to safely capture and transport the owl to the Quitman Police Department where other law enforcement officers began trying to save it’s life.
Several local area shelters were contacted but no one had available personnel or room for the injured owl.
With approval, the owl was handed over to a police officer where it will be nursed back to health and when healed will later be released back into its normal environment.
CCHT would like to thank Deputy McNeese for rescuing the baby owl, and the others who helped it. If it wasn’t for them helping, the owl could have possibly died.
As of now we’re being told the baby owl only sustained a broken wing along with some cuts and bruising from the crash itself.
We will continue to follow this story and keep you posted on the progress.
What do you think the baby owl’s name should be?