CCHT Political Advertising Pricing Packages
CCHT Political Advertising Pricing Packages:
Easily set up, optimize, and measure your political campaigns on CCHT and let our Ads Manager do the rest! All within a budget that is affordable and works for perfectly for your schedule and campaign. CCHT is currently reaching over 250k people per week which benefits your political outreach and voting audience.
(NOTE – Prices Do Not Include Run-Off Election).
(Package A)
Regular Monthly Political Advertising = $145.00 mo.
(8 high-traffic political ads per month)
(Package B) BEST DEAL!!
Advanced Monthly Political Advertising = $135.00 mo. (Save $30.00)
(When you purchase 3 months in advance)
Depending purchase date and Election Day, we will adjust ads in your favor.
(Package C)
Bi-Weekly Political Advertising = $75.00
(4 high-traffic political ads bi-weekly)
Looking for more ways to save? Simply ask us how to save more money when you make a political campaign purchase from S&S Signs in Stonewall.
No Holds, or Credits – Payments must be complete in full prior to advertising.
Out of fairness and respect; One-Week and (Package C) Advertising are NOT available during month of General Election Day.
For more information email us at: