CCHT is working on a project that needs your help!
We’re looking for old scenic and historic photos of Clarke County, Mississippi prior to the year 2000.
Do you have any old scenic or historic landmark photos you’d like to share with us? If so, please submit them to: cchottopics@gmail.com
When submitting; be sure to let us know the location along with the approx. date the photo was taken.
A Few Examples of what we’re looking for: Old Main Street Photos, Burlington Industries / Erwin Mills, Old Water Towers, Old Homes, Old Buildings, Old Courthouse, Old Bridges, Old School Buildings, Ole Service Stations, Old Restaurants, Statues, Historic Landmarks around the County and Anything else of Historic Importance to Clarke County, Mississippi.
By submitting photos to cchottopics@gmail.com you give us permission to use the photos on our social media platforms for public viewing audiences.
We will post more details on this project as people starts getting involved and participating.
Thank you.