Recently the Pachuta Volunteer Fire Department held a Community Challenge Event where they hosted a benefit road block at the intersections of Highway 11 & 18. The roadblock was to raise money for the 10th Annual CCHT Toy Drive. In addition, seeking donations for Creature Comforts Clarke County for much-needed supplies and items for the shelter. Trooper Byron Kemp Benefit Gun Raffle Tickets were also sold during the event as well collected new, unwrapped toys for local Clarke County Children.
The event was a huge success and we must say that the Village of Pachuta and the surrounding community certainly showed up and showed
out! I was truly heartwarming and humbling to see so many people giving back to the community.
CCHT would like to send a VERY special shout-out to each and every person in the photo below, which none of this would have been possible without you. These very dedicated volunteer firefighters stood out in the road for 4 hours non-stop collecting money, toys and other items for fundraiser and boy, did it pay off big time.
To those who donated, we can’t thank you enough, you are who keeps us striving to do more for the community each time we have a successful event.
In closing, we send our most-sincerest Thank you; The Village of Pachuta Mayor Phil Fuller, Pachuta Firefighter Tyler Kirkman who helped organize the event, Sheriff Todd Kemp and the entire community for your support.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts and love Clarke County.
Fundraiser Results –
CCHT Toy Drive – $1000.00
Creature Comforts Clarke County – $1000.00
Byron Kemp Benefit Tickets – 400.00
Total Overall Money Raised – $2400.00