CCHT has teamed up with Archusa Creek Water Park and wants to showcase the Winner of our very 1st “Star-Spangled Challenge” National Anthem signing contest for the opening ceremonies of the upcoming Boat Parade / Fireworks Show. So…. get creative, submit those videos and sing for your country!
Contestants may submit a video of them singing “The National Anthem” to cchottopics@gmail.com no later than 11:pm on Sunday, June 26th, 2022.
[Note] – if using a cell-phone, video shall be filmed in the horizontal (sideways) position and shall not exceed 95 Seconds. (1 minute 35 seconds)
[Note] We cannot download videos submitted through Facebook messenger. All entries MUST be emailed to the address provided.
Enter “Star-Spangled Challenge” in the subject field when emailing.
Once video is submitted, CCHT will place the video as provided in its original format on the CCHT Facebook page to open across-the-board voting.
Viewers will have until 11:59 a.m. on Thursday, June 30th to VOTE for the BEST singer / video.
WINNER will be announced on Friday, July 1st at 12:noon.
Contest Winner will be invited to perform the opening ceremonies, LIVE at Archusa Creek Water Park before the start of the 2022 Fireworks Show at 9:pm on Saturday, July 2nd, 2022.
Help us share this to get as many talented singers involved as possible. If you’d like to sponsor The CCHT “Star-Spangled Singing Contest’ by offering prizes to the winner, please email us at cchottopics@gmail.com
Let Freedom Ring & Sing, Let’s Celebrate Independence Day like never before!!!