Enterprise School District was the welcoming site this morning as the Enterprise Police Department hosted “Drug Awareness Week” with special guest speaker, Mississippi Department of Public Safety Commissioner, Sean Tindell. Commissioner Tindell spoke to school kids, faculty and staff about the dangers of drugs and the decisions made today could affect them for the rest of their lives.
Other speakers during the event were; Enterprise Police Department Chief, Bradley McNeece, Capitol Police Captain, Anthony Chancelor and Clay McCombs with the Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics.
Chief McNeece tells CCHT “We hosted this event for Drug Awareness Week and had great feedback from the students who attended”. McNeece also said Meridian Police Department, Lieutenant, Eddie Larkins brought his K-9 “Charlo” to demonstrate to the students.
Anthony Chancelor, who introduced DPS Commissioner Tindell tells CCHT “Today we spoke with students about decisions. The decisions they make early-on could be detrimental to their future or even cost them their life. Right now, at an early age is the perfect time to teach our children about the dangers of drugs”.
MBN Lt. McCombs spoke on how to avoid taking drugs as some can easily be mixed, laced or other chemicals added, even to routine, over-the-counter drugs to make them illegal. McCombs also spoke on the dangers of mixing drugs with alcohol or other substances which could be very harmful or fatal.
Today’s message was focused on making good decisions, right choices and not be pressured by other peers who often times may make the wrong choices in life.
EPD Chief McNeece wants to thank all of the sponsors who helped put this on for Enterprise School District and for the t-shirts that were given out.
CCHT Thanks EPD, ESD and all others who helped make this possible.