I, Greg Mangum would like to announce my candidacy for Mayor of the Town of Stonewall. For seven years, I’ve had the privilege to serve the citizens of Stonewall on the Board of Aldermen. During that time, our Board along with our Mayor worked together to make vital upgrades to our water and sewer systems. We’ve worked together with our Chief of Police to make our town a safer place by having officers on duty patrolling regularly. We’ve worked together to clean our town up by updating and implementing ordinances. I believe my work for the Town of Stonewall is far from over. I’m asking you to place your trust in me again that you have placed in me for seven years. This time I’m asking you to elect me as your next Mayor. I have a vision for Stonewall to be the best it can be. I want to see more businesses open in Stonewall. I want to see people invest in property in our town and see people want to move to our town and contribute to our economy and make Stonewall their home. I’m a small business owner so I know the challenges facing small businesses these days. With my business background I believe it allows me to talk to and recruit business owners and understand what they are looking for. I want to see more community events in our town that bring our citizens together. I would like to implement initiatives to bring about beautification projects in our town. I love Stonewall and I want to see us move forward.
Father to Kamryn Malachi Mangum
2017-2021 – Stonewall Alderman
2022-Present – Stonewall Alderman
2014-Present – Pastor of Old Paths Baptist Church
2019-Present – Owner of Mangum Insurance Agency
2022-Present – Family Service Counselor at Webb & Stephens Funeral Homes and Forest Lawn Memory Gardens
Let’s move Stonewall forward together…
Please vote for Greg Mangum as your next Mayor on Tuesday, April 1st.