“Spark Studios” VBS @ Pleasant Hill Baptist Church When: July 18th-21st Time: 6:00-8:30pm Meal provided each Night...
Breckenridge Farms host HUGE car show coming up!
Join us for VBS this year as we learn how Amazing the Savior is at the WonderWorld...
7th ANNUAL CLARKE COUNTY RIVER FUN RUN – Make plans to attend and support the River Fun...
Date: July 7th Time: 7:pm Location: Clarke County Courthouse Lawn Bring your lawn chairs and come pray...
Mark Your Calendars for Theadville Community Day, Happening July 9th. More to follow….
Varsity Football Schedules have been released for the 2022 Season. CCHT will begin accepting scoreboard sponsorships in...
THEY’RE BACK!! CCHT has received word that UMMC AirCare will join the fun and excitement at Archusa...
BRING YOUR LAWN-CHAIRS –Live Music, Boat Parade, Bounce Houses, UMMC AirCare Helicopter, Fireworks and Hot & Fresh...