CCHT A.C.T. Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. it publishing CCHT Anonymous Complaint Tip FormDate of BirthAre you reporting an active complaint that's occurring right now? *YesNoLocation of Occurrence? Or Closest address / landmark of this complaint? *If no known address; Provide the most location details, including city, street and/or name(s). *Please provide a description of the complaint/incident/anonymous tip that is occurring: *Person's Name, Age, Gender? *Is the Person Armed? *YesNoUnknownIf indicated "YES" above, describe the weapon:HandgunShotgunRifleVehicle Description: (Make, Year Model, Color, Tag #, State, Identifiable Features) *Victim Information: Name, Age, Gender, Location? *Victim Armed? (Officer Safety Only) *YesNoUnknownIf indicated "YES" above, describe the wepaon:HandgunShotgunRifleCCHT Anonymous Tip-Line Information:What is the nature of the CCHT Tip or incident you are reporting? (illegal activity, suspicious behavior, potential threat, bullying, corruption, etc.) *Where did the incident occur? (Specific address or location description) *When did the incident occur? (Date and time) *Who is involved? (Descriptions of individuals, including physical appearance, clothing, etc.) *Are the individuals Armed and/or Dangerous? *YesNoUnknownIf indicated "YES" above, describe the weapon:HandgunShotgunRifleWhat identifying details can you provide? (Vehicle descriptions, license plate numbers, names if known) *What's the main thing you want us to know and check into about this tip? *Do you have any other relevant information about the incident? (The more specific the details, better assists with investigating the tip effectively) *Please consider providing a way for CCHT or Law Enforcement to follow up with you: (Your info will remain 100% private) Name, Phone # Email: DISCLAIMER: If you are experiencing an emergency, DO NOT submit this form, Dial 911 immediately!! This form consist of two (2) sections. [Section 1] Complaint Tip Form and [Section 2] CCHT Anonymous Tip-Line Form. (Below) All information submitted and obtained through the QR Code tip forms will remain private and confidential to prevent bullying, backlash and/or retaliation against reporting individuals. Informational and/or personal details which may include name, phone number, address, email and narrative information obtained through this form will not be made public or published onto any social media or online platform. Details provided are only for informational purposes only. Complaint Tips which include details of criminal activity or protentional criminal investigation(s) will be forwarded / turned over to the appropriate law enforcement agency only with being identified as "CCHT Anonymous Complaint Tip". Online tip reporting makes it easy to submit a confidential tip. To report a complaint anonymously online, all you need is to submit a tip to CCHT Anonymous Tip-Line. CCHT promises and ensures absolute anonymity, not just confidentiality. CCHT provides intelligence and information to local, state, federal and international law enforcement agencies relating to complaint activity obtained from an online CCHT Tip-Line. Clarke County Hot Topics respectfully reserves all publishing rights. *I hereby agree to have read, acknowledge and understand the full CCHT A.C.T. Disclaimer on website reporting and agree not to hold CCHT liable as the result for error, delay, inaccuracies or omission beyond CCHT's reasonable control regardless of limitations, theory, breach or exclusions under no circumstances whatsoever.Submit