CCHT is very pleased to announce – The Town of Stonewall recently sent Town Employee Michael Robinson to attend a Mississippi Rural Water School in Jackson, MS. There the Town of Stonewall entered their drinking water in the “Best in State Drinking Water” contest which contained many other municipalities across the State of Mississippi.
CCHT is hereby pleased to announce that the Town of Stonewall finished third (3rd) overall out of eighteen (18) other towns and water systems which qualified across Mississippi
This is certainly an awesome big deal for a small town like Stonewall to earn this place ranking in the contest.
CCHT would like to Thank the Town of Stonewall, Mayor, Board of Aldermen, Employees and everyone else involved in helping to earn this award.
Pictured below is a trophy awarded to the Town of Stonewall in the shape of a water drop.
Thank you for making Clarke County PROUD!!