Officials at the Archusa Creek Water Park tells CCHT the 4th of July Celebration will kick off Wednesday, July 3rd starting at 6:pm with live entertainment from “Ole House Band” with the Annual Boat Parade following at dusk. The Fireworks show will follow the boat parade at approx. 9:pm. All food / concessions will be provided and will benefit the Quitman Volunteer Fire Department who will be selling sausage dogs, grilled hamburgers, sodas & much more.
Please note that this year, there will be a $10.00 entry fee per vehicle. Archusa Creek Water Park Officials encourages everyone to load up the car, truck, van or SUV and come enjoy the events leading up to the annual fireworks show!!
Quick Recap – Bring your lawn chairs, PURCHASE some great grilled food and SUPPORT the Quitman Fire Department, LISTEN to some AWESOME live music, VIEW the BEAUTIFUL boat parade and WATCH some AMAZING fireworks!!
((Remember pets are afraid of loud noises, please do not bring them to the fireworks show as they will be spooked and could possibly suddenly run away)).