CCHT is notorious about helping those in need, from making sure children has toys at Christmas to making sure our elderly citizens has food on their tables and/or heat during the winter time. Obviously, we don’t broadcast everything we donate to people because it’s not about publicity but about helping others in need.
Today we reach out to the community seeking help in making another life-changing experience for someone right here in Clarke County. This time it’s an American Disabled Veteran who’s in need of hearing aids. To protect the privacy of this person we will refer to him as “Vet” in this story.
“Vet” has been to approx. 10-12 different cities throughout Mississippi, Alabama and as of yesterday, most recently Louisiana trying to get approved for hearing aids. After all the tests preformed over time, none of the medical facilities will release the findings to “Vet” and/or his family making things much harder on them.
It’s been more than a hassle trying to go through insurance companies, the VA Hospital etc… If anyone has ever had to deal with Veteran Affairs can certainly relate to the amount of government bureaucracy (red tape) a person has to go through in order to get the assistance they need.
Therefore after the continuous round trips to hospitals both in and out-of-state, month after month, we (CCHT) have decided to turn to the Clarke County Community to see if we can get the help this Disabled Veteran desperately needs.
“Vet” has served our country proudly, he’s lived and raised his family right here in Clarke County, Mississippi his entire life, and helped thousands of people. It truly is a crying shame that we cannot help our own American Veterans after all they’ve done for us, yet can allow illegal immigrants into this country FREE of charge, offering healthcare, drivers license and government assistance at NO cost to anyone but the hardworking American Taxpayers!
We understand that this is a much bigger issue across the United States and certainly isn’t isolated to only Clarke County but when we see a Clarke Countian in need we step up to the plate and try to help any way we can especially being an American Veteran.
We’ve called around to several different places checking the prices of hearing aids for “Vet” but was told the range was from anywhere between 1200 – 1500 dollars based on the person’s actual loss of hearing and that’s without going through the insurance company / VA Hospital etc…
We’d like to help “Vet” today by purchasing a much needed set of hearing aids without going through all the “red tape”, we know Clarke County has came together in the past and made things happen that would never happen without your community involvement.
If you’d like to help “Vet” receive his new pair of hearing aids you may donate a couple of different ways: #1 via PayPal @ cchottopics@gmail.com #2 via Check or Money Order to: Chad Allen @ P.O. Box 284, Quitman, MS. 39355 and we will make sure the funds go to the appropriate place.
“Vet” has another doctor’s appointment coming up next week to once again go through another procedure to obtain his hearing aids – we would love nothing more than to surprise him with a set that was donated by the loving community in which he’s helped serve by defending our freedom.
Thank you in Advance and God Bless.
If you have other ways to donate, have further questions or suggestions on how to make this happen please contact us via email at: cchottopics@gmail.com