SOUENLOVIE CRASH UPDATE – Chief Deputy Barry White tells CCHT that emergency officials responded to the scene...
Year: 2019
Congratulations to the Clarke County Chamber of Commerce Business of the Year: Our long-time sponsor: Piggly Wiggly...
She’s going to the BIG SALE, y’all! We are so proud to announce that Ellie Hughes has...
Town of Stonewall employees working hard to get a main water leak fixed on Leola Street this...
***UPDATE***CLARKDALE – Multiple Fire Departments responded to a single-wide mobile home fire in the 200 block of...
KRISPY KREME FUNDRAISER!! This fundraiser is for Quitman High School FBLA(Future Business Leaders of America) Please help by...
CCHT Employment Services is now up and running, we’re in full swing and want to focus our...
Archusa Creek Water Park employees wearing RED while supporting the American Heart Association as February 1st, 2019...
ELWOOD – Clarke County Sheriff’s Deputies are currently on the scene of a one vehicle accident on...