THEY’RE BACK!! CCHT has received word that UMMC AirCare will join the fun and excitement at Archusa Creek Water Park on Saturday, July 2nd for the Annual Boat Parade and Fireworks Show!
Everyone is invited to bring the kiddos (and adults) to come meet the UMMC AirCare Flight Crew and look at the helicopter which serves the Clarke County area.
The helicopter will land and be located safely across from the Quitman Volunteer Fire Department pavilion (next to the restrooms) in a designated landing zone with assistance from QFD and Clarke County Emergency Management Agency.
Quitman Fire Department will also be selling hamburgers, sausage dogs, French fries, nachos & cheese, drinks and snowballs.
Make plans to come support this event!
[NOTE / UMMC AirCare]
*Weather permitting and pending there are no emergency flights*.