SHUBUTA – Emergency Officials responded to the scene of a one vehicle accident on Highway 45 near Midway Service Center early Wednesday morning which resulted in a DUI arrest.
Witnesses and Officials tell CCHT the blue car pictured below was reported traveling the wrong way (driving north bound in the south bound lane). Almost hitting several vehicles head-on, before crossing back over the median and traveled southbound in the northbound lanes.
The driver hit and tore down a stop sign that turns to go into the old Hanson Scales warehouse, then gathered the vehicle up and crashed for the final time in the center median.
Clarke County Sheriff Deputies along with State Troopers with the Mississippi Highway Patrol was seen placing the female driver who has been identified as Faith Asani Danielle Mapp, 18 of Laurel in handcuffs and transported to the Clarke County Jail.
There were no injuries involved, however several witnesses pulled over to tell their side of the story to law enforcement officers as to what they seen.
The exact charges are not known at this time. Will post further on this as soon as we have more information available.