I, Abraham McKenzie II, officially announce my candidacy of Sheriff for the people of Clarke County. I believe that it is very important to communicate with and be involved in the community. My goal is to provide the citizens of Clarke County with caring, professional, impartial, and educated deputies along with a command staff who will communicate and be involved with the people in the community. I hope to provide a welcoming atmosphere at the Sheriff’s Department.
The serving, protection, and peace of the citizens of Clarke County will be my top priority. From my early childhood, I have always wanted to serve the people in the county that helped to shape and mold me to become the person that I am today. Because of this, I have worked untiringly to prepare myself for the task. I have served in law enforcement for over twenty years and currently serve a detective with the Jones County Sheriff’s Department in Laurel, MS. I worked and studied to become a state and national law enforcement instructor. Former Governor Phil Bryant appointed me to the Mississippi Law Enforcement Board of Standards and Training. I also served as a member of the S.W.A.T. Team with Jones County Sheriff’s Department. During that time, we executed over 700 missions. I also served as an entry team leader for I. C.E. and U. S. Marshals Tactical Teams.
I teach numerous law enforcement courses: History of Criminal Justice, Juvenile Law, Juvenile Justice System, Criminal Justice System, Police Ethics, Chemical Weapons, Civil Liability, Officer Survival, Use of Force, Search and Seizures, Mississippi State Statutes, Mississippi Law, Interview and Interrogation Techniques, Cultural Awareness, Understanding Adolescent Behavior, Courtroom Procedures, Inmate Supervision Principles, Jail Security Issues, and Traffic Laws.
I am a certified instructor in Defensive Tactics, Advanced Defensive Tactics, Defensive Driving, Tactical Vehicle Intervention (PIT Maneuver), Close Quarter Combat, Close Quarters Edged Weapons, ASP Baton, Taser, Active Shooter, NRA Firearms, S.W.A.T. Tactics I and II, Sniper, Crime Scene Investigations, Physical Training, and Unarmed Self Defense. I am an instructor at several law enforcement and correctional academies across the state, and I currently serve on the board for the Mississippi Human Trafficking Operational Task Force.
I am married to my amazing wife Deitra McKenzie. My parents are Daisy McKenzie the late Abraham McKenzie I.