CLARKE / JASPER CO. – Chief Deputy Barry White tells CCHT that Clarke County Deputies have just taken one person into custody after a vehicle pursuit which ended in Jasper County.
White tells us Clarke County Deputies were at a roadside safety checkpoint on Highway 11 near the Village of Pachuta when a vehicle turned around and fled the checkpoint location.
White says Deputies pursued the suspect vehicle into Jasper County where it made several turns onto county roads trying to evade arrest.
The chase finally ended on County Road 832 in Jasper County after the vehicle ran into a dead end dirt road. The driver then exited the vehicle and began running on foot into the woods where deputies were able to chase him down and quickly apprehend him without incident.
Chief White says there were two people in the vehicle, however the passenger complied with all demands and stayed with the vehicle while the driver fled.
The suspect will face multiple charges stemming from this chase which we will update you as soon as those charges are available on CCHT “Cell-Shocked” next week.