QUITMAN – Accident scene turns chaotic for Emergency Officials today on North Archusa Avenue. ((NOTE – VIDEO ONLY – NO SOUND))
Officers were dispatched to the scene of a one vehicle accident at approx 3:45 today on North Archusa Ave. Upon their arrival it was quickly discovered to be more than just an accident but an apparent very dangerous domestic violence altercation involving an adult male, female and two small children.
In the exclusive video captured by CCHT (on our Facebook page)you can see the vehicle leave the road and hit the muddy ditch. Once 911 is called to report the accident the male exited the vehicle and began violently fighting with the female and small kids.
Once Officers arrived the male continued to fight and resist arrest for several minutes. Clarke County Sheriff Deputies were called to the scene for backup to assist in the apprehension.
Once back-up arrived it took multiple offices to finally take the suspect safely into custody without incident.
The female and two small children were transported to the undisclosed hospital for non-life threatening injury evaluation.
Quitman Police Officers transported the male suspect to the Clarke County Jail where he faces multiple charges including a felony.
We will continue to follow this story and bring you any updates we recieve from authorities.