***BREAKING NEWS***CCHT Video Released: CLARKE CO. – One subject has just been taken into custody without incident after a wild high-speed chase that started at the old Cefco service station in Stonewall and ended on County Road 152 (Airport Road) after leading Officers on a chase that lasted nearly 45 mins. At approx. 7:20 p.m. Stonewall Police Officers made a traffic stop in the old Cefco parking lot where the driver of the white Toyota Camry was asked to step out of the vehicle for having a suspended driver’s license. The driver then put the car in drive and fled the traffic stop and headed towards Quitman. With speeds reaching nearly 90 mph on Highway 513, once he got to Quitman he made a right turn onto Willow Street (by the old Shell Station) and then onto Thompson Ave and back onto Highway 513. The suspect lead officers to and from Stonewall / Quitman 3 times, taking different sideroads along the way trying to elude authorities. On the third path back to Stonewall from Quitman, the suspect turned into the Piggly Wiggly parking lot where he busted the driver’s side front tire. The suspect then got back onto Highway 513 headed towards Quitman while riding on the rim and throwing sparks everywhere. The pursuit then turned onto County Road 152 near the EMEPA substation where he turned onto the Clarke County Airport Road and bailed from the vehicle. Clarke County Sheriff Deputies along with Stonewall and Quitman Police Officers all pursued the suspect into the woods where he was taken into custody without incident. Several people were forced off the road on Highway 513 as the suspect attempted to cross over into on-coming traffic. With the pursuit becoming more intense a Sheriff’s Deputy attempted to get around the suspect to make a “rolling roadblock” where the Toyota Camry tried to ram into the side of the patrol vehicle.We’re not sure of all the charges at this time, however we’re waiting to hear back from Stonewall Police Chief Kent Stephens on more details. CCHT was on scene and we must say, our local Clarke County law officers did an outstanding job. Everyone is safe and the bad guy who caused all the chaos is now in jail. Stay tuned for further details and charges as we get them.