Huge Estate Sale!

There will be a huge estate sale starting tomorrow, Saturday, March 4th! Everything must go, inside and out! Lots of dressers, hutch, panios, twin beds, lots of antique stuff, queen box spring, records, tools, coffee table, end tables, dishes, books, clothes, all sizes, makeup, and much more!

There will also be free items in a separate area.

Estate Sale starts at 7:am and goes until all is gone.

Location – Clarkdale

6754 South Anderson Road

Meridian, MS 39301

Note – It will be a mobile home with a fence around it which is for sale and must be moved! Be careful pulling in the driveway because it’s kinda tight. It’s not a lot of room to pull but you can park on the side.

The sale will be held be this Saturday, and also Friday and Saturday of next week

Payments accepted are Cash, PayPal and CashApp.

Y’all come on out, the weather is suppose to be very nice! For more information you may look up and contact Marty Burnham on Facebook.
