Tis’ the season for political signs positioned along roadways, plastered on vehicles and planted in front yards. What some may consider a joke actually cost others a lot of money. Theft of anything is against the law, however with political season in full force some may think that theft of political signs may often times be over-looked.
Authorities tell CCHT a person caught stealing political signs out of yards, roadways or on any other property can be arrested and charged with either Malicious Mischief or Petit Larceny depending on the amount item valued.
It’s also a crime if you’re caught defacing signs as well.
Scotty Allen, Owner of S&S Signs of Stonewall produces nearly 90% of all political signs made throughout East Central Mississippi says, “This year hasn’t been as bad as previous election years but we’re only half way through so far and things tend to heat up closer to the General Election”.
In Mississippi the political advertising statute (Miss. Code Ann. § 23-15-897) laws appear to apply to political yard signs, that establishes the penalty for failure to include these disclaimers (§ 23-15-899 ) also prohibits the removal or defacement of legally posted signage.
The Mississippi Department of Transportation recently released a press release reminding candidates that campaign signs may not be placed on the rights-of-way of any interstate or other highways. Signs within these prohibited areas will be removed by MDOT staff and can be retrieved at no charge. Section 23-15-895 of the Mississippi code also bans the display of campaign signs within 150 feet of a voting location on the day of an election.
Whether you support a politician or not, we ask that you keep things clean, remain respectful and not steal or deface political property that doesn’t belong to you as you will be prosecuted for the crime.