CCHT, A HELPING HAND DURING THE DARKEST HOUR – 2021 has been a record year for CCHT donations as we’ve had many tragedies and/or hard times strike our local residents throughout Clarke County. This year alone we’ve raised and given out over twelve thousand dollars to help those either during tragedy or hard times when they need it most (including our furry pet friends).We’re not posting to brag or boast as we know The Lord can take it away at any time, we’re simply wanting those who sent monetary or other donations to any of the CCHT fundraisers to know that every penny of you’re hard earned money goes directly to each designated and intended purpose. You’re truly the reason behind our success by helping those in need.Whether it’s a life-changing medical illness, tragic house fire, tornado, emergency misplacement, ministry needs or any other devastating event, our goal is to help when we can. Money raised from donations in 2021: -$6000.00 to Trooper Byron Kemp Benefit-$3500.00 to House Fire Victims-$2200.00 to CCHT 10th Annual Toy Drive (21 Children)-$1000.00 to Creature Comforts Clarke CountyAgain, we couldn’t do any of this without our 30+ thousand strong CCHT fanbase and fellow Clarke Countians. You are who helps put a smile on the children’s faces at Christmas time, and to help shine a light of grace to those in their darkest hour.Thank you, Citizens of Clarke County, Mississippi for your kind and generous donations each time we reach out seeking to help those in need. A very Special Thanks in 2021 goes to: Sheriff Todd Kemp, Pachuta Fire Department, Quitman Sporting Goods & Pawn, Enterprise School District, S&S Signs, Chefski’s Restaurant, The Town of Enterprise and all other sponsors and donors who helped this year by giving. We’re humbled by the love shown and will never forget your generosity. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Clarke County Hot Topics